Ooo Eck! Lady P threatened me with the Sack if I don't buck me ideas up!
"Parker" she said "Do you want to keep your job?"
Anyways I thought I'd best take a look around at what was on offer! You know just in case like!
I thought I might like to try being an apprentice at the sugar factory with that sweet feller but ee turned out to be one of Lady P friends 'im being a lord an all that!
Anyways I thought ee only employs kiddy winks as an apprentice and he might just tell Lady P I was lookin' for a move when really I quite likes me job I've got!
I did have a look around though, and I found this cracking opportunity of a job drivin' a lorry! Not only was it a lorry but it was a 'gulley sucker' too and it had even got brushes on the side and underneath.
Now I once said to my last boss if you stick a brush up me Hariss I'll sweep the motorway for you on the way and that's just 'ow I lost that job in the first place but with this job I could do it Properly!
Anyway I applied for this job at DPSL but I got turned down!
Now before Lady P took me away from the life of crime, I got my convictions for a bit o this and that and spent some time at 'Er Majesty's pleasure but the one thing I 'Aven't got on my CV is "Professional Kerb Crawler" and that was wot they was lookin' for!
Anyway when I asked em at the Hinterview 'ow they got the name DPSL they said it was made up from their initals...
DPSL = Dave Putman Sandra Lewis or perhaps it could be Dodgy People Sweeping Leaves
'Ence it became DPSL Sweepers
In the end I thought that it was a good job I wasn't qualified, cos though it might have got me out of the s**t with Lady P! I thinks there would have been a lot more of it that I would have had to cope with!
Anyway I'd best not say much more cos Lady Sandra might drop it out to Lady P
You see she's started dancing classes where Lady P is the DJ and business partner with the teacher Lady N.
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