Monday, 22 August 2011

Who Said Facebook Can Replace Your Website???

Did you really believe them?

Sorry to burst their bubble, but websites aren't a luxury, they're a necessity. And I am amazed at how many people there are on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the other social networks who don't have a website. I think this is a mistake for a number of reasons.


Did you know that on Facebook each user has two news feeds?  Recent research indicates that perhaps 95% of all Facebook users only see the items in the top news feed. This is the default news feed, the one that Facebook filters to decide what is relevant and therefore that means for a variety of reasons that your posts may never even be seen by the very people who like your page. This means that the Facebook "EdgeRank" score for your wall posts may be deciding who gets to see your wall posts and therefore your time consuming marketing efforts may be a total waste of your time.  So!  Not only do you have to get them to "Like" your page but you need to educate them as to how they can see your updates which I'll deal with in another post.

Taking Control

Search engines are content driven. And while you may have a nice profile on the various social networks, it's not the same as having unique content on your website.

In addition, you have complete control over the content on your own website, as opposed to social network profiles which are limited by user guidelines and there filter systems as mentioned above.  Also, it's much easier to build your brand if you have a website and particularly if you are in control of it!

Think about it!

When you can have your own CMS website designed and built in a way that you have total 24/7 control at your finger tips for £250 it's shear stupidity not to have one, particularly when a single 10cm 2 column advert in the local rag will cost you just as much only to then end up wrapping chips the next day!  With a website its permanent and for just a few £s more you can have full integration with the social networks to build and create your brand.

For more information about running your own CMS Website check out Web Design and Photography by Andrew Eldridge to see some snapshots of site designs.


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